Seed Ball Making

Using clay, soil and seeds, join us for a fun-filled and creative workshop that will allow you to easily grow your own veggies, herbs or flowers using the ancient practice of seed balls.

About this class

This gardening technique has been used for centuries, as far back as Ancient Egypt! It involves a mix of seeds, compost, and clay that you roll up, allow to dry, and then scatter in your garden (or a bare patch of dirt that needs sprucing up!).

Seed Balls and Seed Bombs are a great way to increase the germination success rate of your chosen seeds. The clay and soil help to keep the seeds protected and nurtured while they grow. And you don't even need to plant them! Simply scatter them where you want your plants to grow, wait for the rain or give them a good soak... and Voilà! You will see little green sprouts in no time.

Choose from a range of different seed mixes:

  • herbs
  • leafy veggies
  • edible flowers
  • bee-friendly flowers

Each class is run by a professional horticulturalist so feel free to ask as many planty questions as you like!

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